Monday, January 4, 2016

i've come a long way of understanding the purpose of existence and i thought to lay down the conclusions. These are not original ideas but the result of putting together ideas from leading thinkers (e.g. philosophers).
So here we go.
Life has no purpose in itself only we, people, we're giving it one.
Life is just what happened as a result of natural selection rules describe by Charles Darwin.
We don't have a specific role to fulfill for the well being of the Universe.
So the first thing to note is that each one of us should find its own purpose in life. My personal take on this is that we, as a species, should evolve in order to find better solutions to our biggest problems.  There is no shortage of problems that needs to be solved just to have a better chance at surviving on long term instead of becoming extinct as dinosaurs did.
Since we want to apply these philosophical thoughts in our day to day life we must keep in mind that our skills are not equal for all of us. Even if we can acquire new skills one will be better at some stuff and worse at others. So my approach is that you use the skills you have and improve of that instead of trying to fix  a lot of the others you are very bad at.
Now connecting the dots we should contribute to the evolution of the humankind in the domain where we can according to our skills.
To put it as simply as we can, we should find the job that we like and have the skills for and do it well. We should be proactive so instead of just doing what we are asked for to try to find any other thing that we may find important to do to improve our product.
We should also change the job when this is not driving the improvement of our skills anymore.
There is a huge gap between solving the biggest problems of humankind and doing well some job but even so i think there's at least a sketch of connecting the higher purpose with the rather ordinary one.
So we would be happier if we would just do our job well having in mind the direction that we should all evolve in order to be better equipped for tackling the biggest problems.
The idea of advancing in career is wide spread but what i want to stress is the reason or direction of doing it. That is not for money or status but ultimately for the future of our kind.
And since we're not all Einstein we should do it step by step. First we train our own skills, then we evolve our team and if we are really capable can spread the knowledge in our industry/field

Monday, October 13, 2014

Seek the opportunities

Here's another item from a series I would sometime like to put together in a story.
Someone told me today, referring to a general context, that you should seek the opportunities not the shortcomings. Of course, you should be moderate (see post VIRTUE NO.1 MODERATION) in ignoring the threats but getting back to the good parts i don't see it other but beneficial to focus on them. Once the basic needs are fulfilled the higher ones depend much on the way you think about them. It's a problem related to our mindset: you can't really avoid the issues and take advantage of the opportunities in the same time. We are always biased in one direction or the other.
And because of that, and because i'm biased in the other direction :), I suggest that seeking opportunities has to be a better option than seeking difficulties. It's harder of course but it must be the way to go.
To try and put together the posts written by now I would say:
You, the reader should not believe it's true what I'm telling here but think about it and judge by yourself. And what I propose you to think about for now is that you should be moderate but with a bias to the seeking of opportunities. In a broader sense you may put is like this: to have a positive mindset.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Virtue no.1 : moderation

"Some things are better than others.
We should have preferences that leads us into one future over
another but when these preferences drives us too hard and too
fast because we have overrated the difference between these
futures, we are at risk.

When our ambition is bounded it leads us to work joyfully .
When our ambition is unbounded it leads us to lie, to cheat,
to steal, to hurt others, to sacrifice things of real value.
When our fears are bounded we're prudent, we're cautious
and we're thoughtful. When our fears are unbounded and
overblown we're reckless and we're cowardly.

The lesson i wanna leave you with from this data is that our
longings and our worries are both to some degree overblown
because we have within us the capacity to manufacture the
very commodity we are constantly chasing when we choose

Dan Gilbert at TED talk "Why are we happy?"

A lesson about moderation

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Believe nothing.
No matter where you read it,
Or who said it,
Even if I have said it,
Unless it agrees with your own reason
And your own common sense.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

JAVA code in JAVA Server Pages

Using (more than a few lines of) code in JSPs is bad practice. For one reason, you mix logic with presentation. This is the reason you should use a Model 2 framework. But here's another one: you cannot debug JSP code. Of course you can insert prints to figure it out what's happening but if there's pretty complex code there you will surely miss a debugger.

A new beginning

Yes, i finished school ... actually it's more like: I finished school, yupiiii !!! Theoretically I could post more often now, since I do not have to go to school in the week-ends but stay home surfing the net endlessly (to read: searching and learning from technical articles). To sum up, I have learned a bit about security, met real teachers and not really teachers. Now that it is over, I can focus on the thing I'm trying to learn for a while now. That is building web apps the right way.