Monday, October 13, 2014

Seek the opportunities

Here's another item from a series I would sometime like to put together in a story.
Someone told me today, referring to a general context, that you should seek the opportunities not the shortcomings. Of course, you should be moderate (see post VIRTUE NO.1 MODERATION) in ignoring the threats but getting back to the good parts i don't see it other but beneficial to focus on them. Once the basic needs are fulfilled the higher ones depend much on the way you think about them. It's a problem related to our mindset: you can't really avoid the issues and take advantage of the opportunities in the same time. We are always biased in one direction or the other.
And because of that, and because i'm biased in the other direction :), I suggest that seeking opportunities has to be a better option than seeking difficulties. It's harder of course but it must be the way to go.
To try and put together the posts written by now I would say:
You, the reader should not believe it's true what I'm telling here but think about it and judge by yourself. And what I propose you to think about for now is that you should be moderate but with a bias to the seeking of opportunities. In a broader sense you may put is like this: to have a positive mindset.